
So, what's this about a party?

I joined Facebook a few months ago, and one of the first CHS’ers with whom I reconnected was Greg Halleck. We’ve had fun catching up, but many of our conversations include Greg’s “I haven’t been invited to any of the reunions” whine. One night over beers we decided to throw our class a fiftieth birthday bash. Not a full-on reunion, but a good ol’ party (much like the one at Renae Edge’s house just before graduation, without all the underage drunks).

Let’s get started. Our first step is to track down as many of our classmates as we can.

Gwynne Knap, who helped plan the November 2007 thirtieth reunion, gave me her address lists (and answers to my many questions). I keep up with a handful of our classmates, and we’re cross-referencing our address books. I’ve Facebook’ed many of you, and I went gold on Classmates.com to track down others.

Addresses to date: 62. Nearly 250 missing.

That’s where you come in. Have you stayed in contact with some of our classmates? Let us know who they are. You can leave the names in the comment box, but send the contact information to the Yahoo account we’ve set up for this shindig effort. You can find the e-mail address if you click on the navbar profile link.

You could be one of the many missing. If you received the e-mail blast with this URL via the Yahoo address, you’re on the list. If someone else sent this blog address to you, you’re missing. We’ll post the list of the missing later this month.

Next step: the when (probably this summer) and the where.

As for this blog, let’s use it to plan, to network, and to reminisce. We can post photos, your favorite stories, a much-needed shout-out. You can contact us at the Yahoo address.

Posted by Beth Coffey

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Janice said...

I've got an email for Shawn Wheeler. I'll forward this to him.


Janice said...

Okay, trying to get this group moving... here is something I remember from homeroom.

Remember how they had us divided into homeroom by the alphabet? My homeroom had Mrs. lamb twice. Once when we were freshmen or sophomores and then when we were seniors.

She got all sentimental on us at the end of our senior year and started telling us how much we had grown and changed and so on and so one.... in the middle of her ramblings without thinking I said "Oh hell Mrs. Lamb, what do you mean?" and she pointed out that was exactly what she was talking about. As a freshman I wouldn't have said anything at all, never mind the fact that I had a cuss word thrown in for good measure!

Someone else share a memory....

Cup said...

I loved Mrs. Lamb and her advanced grammar class. She passed away several years ago, I believe.

Janice, maybe we can publish these memories as separate posts. I'll get this up over the weekend.

Shawn said...

Well hey out there in blog land. Yes,,,,,,,Janice did get this info to me. Sounds great! I had planned to make the 30th but something (probably work or something kid related) came up late.

Memories.......ok.....the first thing to come into my mind involves soccer games and Canadian Club........how did we survive?

Jerry said...

I remember Shawn from my hood. across the creek and through the woods! I've moved so many times I'm off all mailing lists and in contact with only a handfull of our mates. Is there a list? I do remember Renea Edges parties for sure.

Janice said...

Oh, Shawn, as cold as it was at those games that was the only option we had. Sometimes I wonder why none of us had more accidents that we did.

I remember being out one evening with a certain someone from our class and running a stop sign. Then next day when we returned to the scene of the crime I couldn't believe we had not hit a tree or gone in the lake!

Lorraine said...

Alright Beth!! Thanks for getting something started for the class of 77!

Jeannine & I have been very disappointed that no invites were sent out for the last little get together in Smyrna (heard it through the grapevine.....)

If you get in touch with Rodney Dobson- (I do not think he has an email address but one of his restaurants in Dallas is "Rodney's Barbecue) I know he knows how to get in touch with quite a few people.

I can't wait to see everyone!!

Lorraine Pigott

Anonymous said...

A party during the summer would be great. Please keep me posted.

I was supposed to graduate in 1977, so I am turning 50 this year (Feb 4), and it is the class of '77 I most identify with as it includes the people that I went through 6 yrs of Brown Elementary, 1 yr of Nash Jr. High, 1 yr of Griffin MS, and then 3 years of CHS (I actually graduated in '76, a stupid decision on my part).

I am on Facebook, look for me using michaelsmail@michaeleason.com.

Rosemary said...

Okay, it's time to set a date and place for this party.