
First, the Good News

In less than two weeks — thanks to Gwynne and Facebook — we have e-mail addresses for 77 of our classmates.

The Bad News

We still have more than 225 folks to track down. Are you still in touch with someone from those fabulous mid-1970s years, someone we have yet to find? Let us know, and encourage them to send in their information. Or maybe you know someone's married name; that helps. You can e-mail us with their details and we’ll pester them, or you can send them this blog URL and the e-mail address. We’d love to have at least one hundred e-mail addresses by the end of January.

When are we going to throw this bash? You have a voice in that decision. Check out the poll on the navbar, and pick the date that best works for you.

We’re also collecting your favorite memories of our teachers. (Check out the Coach Duncan column below.) Coach Anderson and Mrs. Fellows are next to be lovingly remembered. E-mail your anecdotes.

And finally, consider joining Facebook. There are about thirty of us chatting and catching up over there.

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1 comment:

Katie Schwartz said...

Bethy, my darling, you are one sexy bird!