
One More for Cuties Week

Yet another cutie enters the Fifty Club today. Happy birthday to Cindy Wright Merriam! If you're on Facebook, you've seen that she hasn't aged a bit.

Don't forget to send us your birthday if you want to be included on the navbar. E-mail us or leave your birthday in the comment box.

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Cup said...

Cindy, I hope you have a glorious fiftieth birthday! Be decadent and giggly all day.

Janet Barentine said...

Happy Birthday Cindy!!! May your day be filled with lots of fun things. Wishes for a wonderful year.
A toast to you on your 50th Birthday!!!

BJ (Betty Jean) said...

Wishing you a Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Cindy happy birthday.Hope you have a great day.
Craig (Bear) Bryant

Mark Harris said...

Happy B-day, Cindy!