
Flying High at Fifty

Today marks another great fiftieth milestone: Mark Harris is joining the group. He may be living out west, but he's always nearby here on the blog. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARK!

p.s. Don't miss your chance for this fiftieth glory. If you don't see your birthday listed on the navbar and want the glory, e-mail your info today.

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Cup said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARK!!!! I've been here nearly a month, and it's been fabulous. Hope you and Earth Day have a great day celebrating.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Mark! You've reached the half century mark!! Hope you're day is special and memorable.

Julie said...

Welcome to the club Mark! Hope you have a wonderful 50th! Yay! You made it! Happy Birthday!

BJ (Betty Jean) said...

Happy Birthday Mark! Enjoy your day - you've made it 50 years and may the next 50 be even better!

Janet Barentine said...

Happy Birthday, Mark! Sure hope that you have a wondeful day on this your 50th birthday.
A toast to you on your special day!!

Rosemary said...

Happy Belated Birthday Mark. I hope you had a great day.

Lorraine said...

Happy Belated Birthday Mark!!

Out West is a beautiful area to live!!

Lorraine Pigott