
February’s First Fiftieth

Pull out your blowers and put on your party hats for February’s first fiftieth birthday: MIKE EASON! Mike started with our class, but graduated a year early. (Seriously, you were that eager to begin adulthood?) He’s in South Carolina these days, but those of us on Facebook are chatting away with the birthday boy. Y’all be sure to wish Mike a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, here in the comments box or on Facebook.

[Ed. Note: Mike, we’re sorry we don’t have your senior picture. The party planning staff has a limited annuals library: just our freshman and senior books.]

p.s. Don't forget to send us your birthday if you want to be included on the navbar. E-mail us or leave your birthday in the comment box.

p.p.s. We’ve crossed out some of the missing from the list — but many classmates are still missing. Let us know if you’re in contact with one of these classmates.

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Anonymous said...

Enjoy your BIG day Mike. 50 is the new 49.

Janet Barentine said...

Hope you have a BLAST of a day for your 50th Birthday.
A toast to you on this your very speacial day!!

Janice said...

Happy 50th Mike. Welcome to the party!

Cup said...

MIKE! I hope you're singin' and dancin' and swiggin' this day away. Happy fiftieth! I hear it's the best decade.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club. I've been there for 3 weeks. So far, so good! Seriously, Happy Birthday from Georgia.

Lorraine said...

Happy Birthday Early Graduator!

I knew there was a reason why I would ask you for help in class!!

Hope it was great day!


Mark Harris said...

Mike, hope your b-day was really great!